Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Happy birthday Caleb!!

Can someone please tell me how it is possible that our baby boy is now a year old?! It seems just yesterday we were checking into the hospital for an induction (we joke that we had to evict him or he'd never have come out) and then bringing him home and he was a little snuggle bug on my chest. Now he is a rambunctious, happy, handsome, noisy, breath-holding little toddler!

He has a great appetite and loves table foods...mostly wants to eat whatever we have on our plates. He still sleeps on his face but sleeps through the night on his own most of the time. He loves board books and pushing cars & trucks around on the floor. We truly thought he'd be walking by now, since he's been crawling since about 6 months old...but he's not. He cruises like a champ but he'd really rather just put his head down and crawl really fast to get wherever he wants to go...mostly to keep up with big sister!

We had a very low-key first birthday...just the four of us, some cake, and some presents.

And then a bath. :P

We had a Cars birthday cake...even though he's never seen the movie.  Well, he's never seen any movies, so...we just picked it 'cause it was a boy theme. :)

Waiting for cake!

Happy birthday to Caleb!

Mmmmmm, cake!

He wasn't a big fan of the icing...mostly pushed it around to get to the cake. Which he devoured!

Present time! Unlike at Christmas, he actually knew how to rip the paper and get to the good stuff. :) 

Olivia wanted to give Caleb a "Build-A-Bear" for his birthday. She has one, "Patches," that I made while pregnant with her, and she wanted to be sure Caleb had a "Patches" too. His bear looks very different from hers but that's probably a good thing! He loved it!

So sweet!

We love you, Buddy Bear. You are a ray of sunshine, a trial of patience, a joyful noise in our lives. We are so thankful that God blessed our family with you. It is amazing to see your personality develop day by day, and we look forward to watching you grow into a terrifying toddler, a messy little boy, and an adventurous young man.

1 comment:

  1. He is adorable and I can't believe it's been over a year since you had him! He looks like such a happy guy. It would be so fun to meet your kids and catch up with you one day.
