Saturday, May 14, 2011

Conversations with a Three Year Old

O: Who makes the cars?
C: The car factory.
O: Who makes the lights?
C: The light factory.

(this goes on for a while) Then...

C: Who made Olivia?
O: *silent, then glares* I don't want to play this game.

This morning at 6am, while sitting on the potty:

O: Why did God put my head here? *points to head*
C:  I guess He thought that was a good place for it.
O: Why did God put my eyes here? *points to eyes*
C: So you can see.
O: Why did God put my neck here? *points to neck*
C: To hold up your head.
O: Why--
C:'s time to peepee.


  1. I swear I replied to this post earlier but I guess I didn't.

    Olivia is adorable and I loved your conversation.

    The reason my blog doesn't show up in your reader is because it is set to private. It's annoying they haven't found a way to make it work as long as you have an invite.

  2. Thanks for your sweet comments Charity! I think the posts about the kids are my absolute favorite. When I go back and read through my blog and get reminded of things about the kids do and say, they are the ones I'm the most happy I wrote down. The cute little things they do only last so long and over time I forget them so it's nice to have them recorded.
    How are you feeling?
